Ayre V-3 vs BAT VK-200 vs Classe' CA-200

Currently own the Ayre but I am interested in the other two or possibly the Class' CA-300. Any comments on these amps is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by jont

i've owned both the BAT and Arye. the BAT is more tube like (more of a warm, romantic sound) the Arye is more accurate. I've also heard the Ayre without upgrades/with the component upgrade/and with both upgrades. IF YOU OWN THE AYRE WITH THE UPGRADES, DROP THE GROUND. it makes a tremendous difference with the sound stage. it is dramatic. if you own an Ayre without the upgrades leave it grounded (also there is a 3-4db decrease in spl with the upgrades (unrelated to dropping the ground)). which one did i like more? female vocalist, i liked the BAT, everything else, the Arye....