Ayre KX-R or PS Audio BHK Pre

I have an chance to buy either of the above 2 pre amps. Price is not a problem as I am getting a great deal on the Ayre as a demo unit. Still the Ayre is a bit more expensive but I can live with the price difference. What would you guys recommend. Associated equipment is as follows. 
Power Amps Classe CT-M 600
Speakers B&W 800d
Current pre Mark Levinson No. 38s
PS Audio Direct Stream Junior
Clearaudio TT with Avid Phono
Music tastes are mostly Classic rock with some Jazz thrown in. 

Showing 1 response by mdiaz

I recommend the PS AUDIO BHK PRE. Beautiful music reproduction, many great features, priced right. Performance of this unit compares to items priced well above it. Great stuff!