Ayre CX-7MP2 vs Rega Saturn.CD Pros and Cons??

I have an opportunity to buy a used Ayre CX-7MP2 or a Rega Saturn through the same seller on another audiomart. The last retail of the Rega Saturn was $2395, before the current price drop; the Ayre's price has held steady at $3500. The new Stereophile Recommended Components has placed the Ayre in the A category, but the Saturn looks like it has been deleted from list.

There was a big difference in their retails which usually suggests better parts, power supplies on the higher priced item. That being said, I am familiar with the Rega house sound, I currently have a Rega Apollo, but it is time to make the last upgrade in the system, that is sounding very good. The Saturn from what I have read,(have not auditioned it) is supposed to sound far better than the Apollo. However, if I can jump the overall CD performance another step within reasonable money limits, I would buy the Ayre. My pre-amp is the Bel Canto PRe3 is set up for balanced inputs beside RCA's which reviewerss claim to be the best sounding venue Ayre input Realize system matching is always the unknow factor, but have no way to play with Ayre in my system.

However, if the sonic gains are minimal. I'll buy the Rega Saturn.....looking for smooth, glare free highs, and better musicality, that is less digitized sound, and analog sound with clarity. All comments welcomed.

Showing 1 response by mrtennis

may i suggest that you audition the players somewhere before you purchase ?

obviously, a direct comparison would help.

there is no substitute for your own ears.