Ayre C-5xe, Classe CDP-202, Marantz SA-7S1

Having spent much time contemplating, I have decided that surround audio is something I can live without, but excellence of sound is imperative.

So I am considering these to replace a 17-year-old Sony C77ES, new and not used.

Does it simply come down to features vs. sonics?

Ayre supports SACD, DVD-A, and DVD-V soundtracks. Classe does not support SACD. Marantz does not do DVD anything.

All are fairly close to one another in price.

I listen to classical, jazz, and older rock (e.g. Beatles, Pink Floyd, Santana, Grateful Dead). I have a large CD collection, but can see purchasing SACD and/or DVD-A in future.

Current system is B&W fronts, center, and sub, and Boston surrounds. Amp is Classe CA-5100, and am using loaner NHT processor until Classe SSP-800 arrives.

Thoughts and suggestions much appreciated!

Showing 1 response by mrmikesmail

All are great choices. Sounds like the Ayre will best fit your needs.

I own a Marantz sa11s1 and I am very happy with it but really wanted the Ayre.