Ayon Spirit III - switching 2 broken tubes


So after 1.5 years of use I have no sound from the speakers and 2 red LED's on the back of the amp signaling that something is wrong with V2 and V3. So I'm assuming these 2 tubes have gone and now I'm in line for ordering a new set of four. Fine.

I asked my distributor if I can swap V2 and V3 tubes with the (apparently) good ones from V1 and V4 to see if now V1 and V4 will light up on the back of the amp. The distributor advised against it as it could damage the amp. I did it anyway and I'm still getting red LED's on the back for V2 and V3. Does this mean something is wrong other than the tubes? Have a damaged something by swithing about the tubes? Can I now still place the new 4 tubes without a worry?

I have also written to Ayon to get their advice and I will report back once I get a reply.

Many thanks!

Showing 1 response by elevick

The unit should be looked at by a tech. Too often something has blown and will cook a brand new set of tubes. It's well worth the $60 for a tech to look at it.