Ayon Skylla II vs Lampizator 4 or 5

Any comparative info between the two?

Showing 3 responses by lissnr

I too was looking for a new dac...I borrowed a friend's Lamp4 Gen4 and thought it was excellent: big wide layered stage with natural analog ease. I sold my good value and very nice sounding Bryson BDA 1 and ordered a brand new Lamp4 Gen4 also. I can't wait. I added USB too.
I received my new Lampizator Level 4 Gen 4 about a month ago and am completely convinced it was the right move for me.I am sorry I can not make the comparison you originally asked for because I have not heard your other consideration and so I will not detour this thread but in defense of the Lamp I am so far finding the overall build quality and reliability perfectly fine. As for sound quality it is truly ground- breaking in its huge soundstage, densely intact characterizations, open airy atmosphere and uncanny natural "There-ness" ( please pardon my odd choice of descriptors... ) Hope you don't mind my 2 cents... Good luck with your decision and happy Lissn'n...
I'm replacing my amazing Lamp Level 4 Gen4 with a Level 6 because I can't get over how fantastic this Dac sounds... I also can't believe there's much room for improvement but after listening to the 4 and really studying the fanatical attention to detail... I'm convinced Lampizator is the way to go. Good luck on your own journey too.