Ayon Skylla II vs Lampizator 4 or 5

Any comparative info between the two?

Showing 1 response by glory

L5 with DSD in the stall. The sound it produces is the end of the Rd. for me.

If not for a great friend and Distributer like Ming Su I would never recommend anyone buying a Lamp Dac as they are built like the old UK MG. cars. Ready to break down and poorly built but if one can wade through all that and let Ming get it right for you ... Well then you are set for life.

My wife is a feely/connection/communication/emotional and touchy type person and I am not all that yet when it comes to playback of my system I want just that. Just like a women. Ding ding!! Well the Lamp L5 does just that and more so.

A Dac from Poland LOL!! Build quility poor with to much Vodka. But throw in Ming Su into the mix and you are ginning ear to ear every time you hit play.