Ayon cd3 Versus AMR 777cdp

Can anyone advise if they have compared these players.

Showing 5 responses by frankpiet

Audio 852: I have to second Mrtennis. I have owned an all Ayon system (cd-1, falcon s and sunfire). the falcon s and the sunfire are outstanding components - I still use them right now. The cd-1 was the most unsatisfying cd-player I used within the last two years (and I had a lot of them). At the price point good quality but any Ayre C-5xe or EMM beats the hell out of this machine. Sorry...
Bobf: thats a bit strange - even german Ayon dealer say, that the c-5xe is better. I A-Bed them in my main system (Ayre K-1xe - Pass X 350.5 and Avalon Opus Ceramique) and in my secondary system at that time Ayon Sunfire - Ayon Falcon S). In both systems the C-5xe came out as a CLEAR winner. Probably you´ve just connected one channel of the Ayre ;-) (kidding)...
Audio852: I never trust any reviews. When you buy machines the reviewers like - in Germany mostly Accuphase or ML you realy buy crap. Big companies behind no musicality, nicely build but thats all. Same with Transrotor turntables. Great design, very well build but total lack of musicality.
I know Mr. Hirth the owner from Ayon a bit and even he would not say that the CD-1 betters the C-5xe.
When you look into German high-end mags Ayon CD-1 is ranked with 80% and CD-3 with 85% of the Nagra CD-Players performance (Stereo).
The C-5xe is ranked much higher than CD-1 (135 points vs. 105 - Stereoplay).
I think both mags are closer to reality than 6moons.
Btw: I´m a professional musician and I really can trust my ears (30 years of classic music education).
Best, Frank
Audio852: interesting - probably we should meet for a jam session ;) If you like CD-1 fine - you can get them very cheap used at german audiomarkt.de (for good reason).
Later this year CD-2 will be released for about € 3.500,-
which is said to better the CD-1. BTW: not few people over here believe that in terms of resolution, control and transparency even the CX-7e betters the CD-1. Probably germans listen in a different way to music as americans do ?
The only thing I can tell about Ayon: great speakers, great cables, great amps and a very nice Mr.Hirth BUT crap cd-players
Audio852: according to Mr. Hirth and my local Ayon dealer a CD-2 will be released this year in september/october - a single box player at the price point of € 3.500,-

Is the CD-5 you saw in munich a one or two box design ?