
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase

Showing 6 responses by jimphd14

I read a review on the Eastern Electric Minimax DAC and I went and purchased it for $650. There is no way conclusively - positively for sure that this DAC is an improvement, over the Ayon CD-2. I was hoping it would work but it doesn’t. The sound stage is flat and non involving and sharp. I now own the CD-5 and the CD5 is by far superior, than any Minimax combo with an Ayon CDP. With the CD5, the musician is in my room. The Minimax DAC when connected to any Ayon product, in any method, does nothing special. It actually makes the sound closed in.

I think it is more an amplifier anomaly folks are hearing. My friend used it with his Cambridge amp and a CD2 and it made the soundstage really even even worse, but it may have made the soundstage a bit faster, different, but really an ugly combo.

Folks are always looking for the cheap way to outfit a system, but it is a waste of time. I have been there and done that and learned my lesson - you get what you pay for!

Hello Mcondon
Perhaps you should consider the Sony CDP at Best Buy, those Sony's, they are very layed back and detailed. I'll bet you will love it.

Taking an Ayon CDP and using an alternate DAC, well that is just nuts. Akin to buying a pair Dali speakers and then start changing out tweeters to make it better. Many folks have over many years trained their ears to simply, bad soundstage so they can not appreciate the unique sound of the Ayon CDP's. It is only after time that they realize what they have been missing.
Just amazing that anyone would think that a Berkeley Alpha DAC is better than a CD-5s ! There must be something else going on in their system. Same folks that touted the incredible sound of the eastern electric minimax and then said, no not really after all the minimax had a shrunk soundstage - now I found another better option, the berkely. pinheads.....
Yep, I love my Ayon gear. I would read the Absolute Sound March 2011 issue about Ayon. That says it all.