AXPONA or T.H.E. Newport?

I've been to the past two Newport shows but I'm wondering how AXPONA compares. What do you think?
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Showing 1 response by vapor1

Axpona was very good least year, and I'm expecting it to be even better this year. The rooms are a bit larger than your typical hotel room, so they sound a bit better as well. That gives attendees a better chance to hear what the systems can really do.

This year JD Events purchased Axpona and has been marketing it aggressively. They also have more exhibitors than last year. The only downside to last year from a visitors perspective was that the show was packed, our room was literally standing room only all weekend. If it's like that this year, talk to the exhibitors in the rooms you want to investigate further, and they'll likely do quiet after-hours demos for you.