Axpona audio show. Is it worth seeing(hearing)?

I noticed a banner for the axpona audio show and , since it's very close to me, was considering attending. Have never been, and actually never heard of it. Is it worth going to and if so, what should i plan to do there to maximize my experience. Thanks for any suggestions


Showing 1 response by jackcoke

My wife and I have been three day attendees to the three previous shows here in Chicago. We will be in attendance this year. The info for first timers already given is pretty much right on. I would add that this is a big show. If you have only one day to spend then it would help to make a plan to see what is most important first and then try and see as much else as you can. Using the Axpona website will help to see who is in what room but it's not gospel. There are a number of rooms that display equipment that is not listed. Even the guidebook that you receive at the desk doesn't list it all.
   As for playing requests....not all rooms are equal. There are those that are more then happy and welcome requests, such as Raidho. Others will but make it seem like they're extending themselves. And then there are some that just will not. They're very cordial about saying no. It's just not their thing.
    It was mentioned that Sundays close early. I've picked this bone with the organizers in the after show surveys. The problem is that many of the rooms begin to dismantle before 4:00. 3:00 is more like it and even as early as 1:00 for some. I realize that the room reps have worked hard and long over the weekend and need to get moving but it's not fair to the people that buy a ticket just for Sunday. Maybe the show should close at three on Sunday but all rooms must be fully operational until that time. 
    As far as it being crowded....absolutely. This show continues to grow and that's wonderful news for the industry and for us audiophiles. Thousands of people attend and it does make for some tight hallways and shoulder to shoulder rooms. Just be cool about it. If you can't get in a room try another and come back later. This would be a good place to bring up a little bit about show etiquette. If you've been in a room and you've heard the reps demonstration or listened to a few songs, move along. Let somebody else get their chance.
    Finally, bring some money!  I've read plenty of complaints written about how expensive it is. It's a big hotel and it's Chicago. 
     It's a great show. My wife actually looks forward to it. Last years female attendance was much improved compared to a few years ago. Hope you all have a wonderful experience.