
Looking for feedback on the AXPONA event in Chicago in April. I have never attended an event like this.  Is it a worthwhile event if you are looking to make some upgrades to your system?  Are you able to make purchases at the event or do you order and product is shipped to you?  I also noticed that some brands like Wilson, Kharma, Transparent, Shunyata or not on the list and if there is any reason why?  

Any guidance or feedback is appreciated about attending something like this is appreciated.

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Showing 1 response by alucard19

The mask mandate is lifted, only wear a mask if YOU want to, no proof of vaccination will be required.

I live 30 minutes away and work 15 minutes away, I am going on Friday and Saturday, you can talk with manufacturers and dealers, it's a great place to ask all of the questions that we can't answer here.

Hopefully Kevin Deal will be there again, he was there 2 years ago also Dave from Raven audio was also there 2 years ago I wonder if they will meet up and chat.