Awful sound from B&W's: Break In needed?

I've bought a new pair of B&W 602 S3 and they are sounding awful with my COnsonance CD120 and Arcam A80. I think they need a lot of breaking in, or otherwise something is wrong with my system. The sound is harsh, and the midrange is shut in. Have you guys experienced something similar? Can I expect to get a really better sound from my speakers after the break in period?
You can't critique them right out of the box, they will require break-in to get the crossover burnt in, the internal cable harness, and the drivers to flex. Everything will open up, read the manual for expected time. Keep the system running for 100-200 hours and just walk away. When your return for some quality listening, the speakers will show their signature. Patience is the Key!
In general, B&Ws do require a bit of break in to sound their best. I would suspect that after the first 25 hours or so, the midrange should open up and harshness should subside. After 100 hours, the speakers become more coherent in terms of driver integration with deeper bass and more extended highs. Give them some time, and if the problems still persist experiment with speaker cables and interconnects to change the sound. Also, make sure the speakers are wired in phase and play around with placement. For best results, place the speakers on sturdy 20" stands filled with leadshot or sand. Hope this helps...........
According to the manual for my 800's, the break in is about 60 hours.....and the change in sound when fully broken in is subtle.
My experience (not with 602's) is that they change a lot after 4 days of running, basically 24 hours everyday, and can can continue to break in for many months, like 7 to 8.