Average Price Spent for Speakers

Everyone reading this, please respond if you will. What is the average price you spend on a pair of loudspeakers? What determines that expenditure amount? Earlier in your hobby life, what determined how much when you were a neophyte?
Also, for non audiophiles, if there are any reading this site, what do you spend, and what determines that amount?
In the absence of non audiophiles, everyone out there, what do your non audio friends spend for speakers (if they do buy)? Where do they shop? What is the determining factor in HOW much?
Thanks for your response.

Showing 1 response by steveallen

Although I'm single I want good looking gear. None of the black, mindless looking boxes. Too many companies nowadays are putting a lot of thought into the appearance of their products.

From past experience I'd say the majority of people spend around $500, if they want something that really lights their fire. The other people would be estatic over a $100 pair og speakers.

I wish I had enough room for my Apogee Stages. Someday....