You may also try a digital amp like the Tact 2150, it works very well with very efficient speakers (and with others speakers too).
avantgarde with SS amp recomendation
Hi AuGoNers,
due to the heat of my tubes amp,i am thinking about purchasing a back up SS amp for the summer.due to their high efficiency,i have no clue which amp would match with these speakers,seem like most SS amp are around 100w or more and i am sure these uno doesnt need that high of a power amp.i would like to keep my budget under 1k..please help
due to the heat of my tubes amp,i am thinking about purchasing a back up SS amp for the summer.due to their high efficiency,i have no clue which amp would match with these speakers,seem like most SS amp are around 100w or more and i am sure these uno doesnt need that high of a power amp.i would like to keep my budget under 1k..please help