I am listening to the UNO since few days, and, altough I have still not optimized the set up, I have been very positively impressed. Now, with my poor English it is hard for me to describe them, anyway, the dynamic contrast, the details, and the bass response are very good. I almost don't find the typical defects of other horn systems. But you have to listen them quite far away. The first time I set up them the listening position was too close, and I didn't like them too much. I think they should be listen from at least 16-20 feet. And, in my opinion, it is recommended a low power amp, with few output devices, and not too cold. At their price (at least in Europe) I don't know if I could find something I would like more. Obviously, nobody should expect too much from a speaker. Each speaker can excel in some aspects, but alwayshave some weakness. It all depends on our taste. If one buy a Ferrari, cannot expect too comfort, and if he buy a Mercedes limousine, don't have to pretend to make races.