Avantgarde Speakers

I would like to hear fellow member's comments on Avantgarde speakers. It sounds like they have a very accurate sound plus great dynamic range. Unfortunately, the Avantgarde home page does not have much information on the speaker's frequency response. The over all ranges are given, but, no measure of flatness is listed. Also, it looks like they are priced on the high side which may be partly due to the company trying to recuperate R&D costs. Any comments would be appreciated. ThanksX10**6!
Sean, your conclusions are faulty. Duo sales are from individuals selling the old Duos with the old woofers or those upgrading to Trios. Classic Audio Reproductions T1 and T3 get my vote for WORST sound at last year's CES. If you haven't heard any Avantgardes, why post your stupid theories? Do you think all the reviewers (HI FI News, Stereophile, Listener, What Hi Fi) and owners are wrong?
I heard one of their speakers at the CES, the setup at the Alexis Park and thought it sounded fine. Not anything outrageously good, but good for CES. I do know Jim Smith however from his days as a retailer in Birmingham, Al. He knows alot about sound and recording. More than anyone I have ever met. Unless he has just fallen off the deep end there is probably a lot to these speakers.
sean I was just wondering if you took your foot out of your mouth before eating. It is always there when your posting. If you don't know how a speaker sounds, why don't you just shut up? My Silverline Sonatas will wipe the court with those Klassic speakers. I've heard them both so I am qualified to comment. How do Avantgardes sound? I don't know so I won't say anything unlike you. You are so stupid you must need help getting dressed in the morning. Especially since that foot is lodged where it is. Go back to AA. Yes I am who you think I am.
Joe Coherent is back and better than ever. You better take me seriously Sean and stay the hell out of audiogon. We have a better site here and we plan to keep it that way.
Joe, Phill... reLAX... Avantegarde's *TWO PAGE* ad of testimonials in September's STEREoPHILE speaks "VOLUMES" to most of us on AUDIOGON. With that Mag's PLUG, who would even need to listen? OOPS! Then again some might, still. "HONK-HONK" said the 2nd order harmoniK.