Avantgarde Speakers

I would like to hear fellow member's comments on Avantgarde speakers. It sounds like they have a very accurate sound plus great dynamic range. Unfortunately, the Avantgarde home page does not have much information on the speaker's frequency response. The over all ranges are given, but, no measure of flatness is listed. Also, it looks like they are priced on the high side which may be partly due to the company trying to recuperate R&D costs. Any comments would be appreciated. ThanksX10**6!

Showing 3 responses by khrys

Joe, Phill... reLAX... Avantegarde's *TWO PAGE* ad of testimonials in September's STEREoPHILE speaks "VOLUMES" to most of us on AUDIOGON. With that Mag's PLUG, who would even need to listen? OOPS! Then again some might, still. "HONK-HONK" said the 2nd order harmoniK.
YKW, I would love to listen to the Silverline Sonata but I need to know if you are referring to the now discontinued(wonder why?) Avalon rip-off version or the new retro-Wharfdale sand-filled model. I am told that new breakthroughs in "kitty-litter" technology have propelled the new Sonatas into the realm of the Avantgarde for a lot less scratch. In all fairness though its clear that sand-bagging the AGs would improve their sound as well. God knows all we dissed chicks are saving our Euros for just such an upgrade.
Joe, let me guess, you don't have a woman in your life. Oh-maybe you don't need one.