Avantgarde Horns - amps you've tried and love?

My current system is:
dCS Verdi, Purcell, Elga+ (all 1394 latest models) to the Art Audio Jota with KR 300BXLS tubes to the Avantgarde Duo horn speakers. Cables are NBS 0 for digital and HMS interconnects/speaker.
Question: I'm planning on the purchase of the Audiopax but before I make the plunge, I'd like to ask for other Avantgarde owners input on amps they have tried and what their impressions have been.
Thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by rmf

Audiopax Model 88s are my personal favorite. These are amazing monoblocks that to my ears give me the best of tube and SS amplifiers. You get the wonderful, musical midrange that you would expect AND great bass, AND an amazing high end that must be heard to be believed.

I have tried many tube amps to power my Duos including SETs and OTLs but the Audiopax beat them all.