Avantgarde Horns - amps you've tried and love?

My current system is:
dCS Verdi, Purcell, Elga+ (all 1394 latest models) to the Art Audio Jota with KR 300BXLS tubes to the Avantgarde Duo horn speakers. Cables are NBS 0 for digital and HMS interconnects/speaker.
Question: I'm planning on the purchase of the Audiopax but before I make the plunge, I'd like to ask for other Avantgarde owners input on amps they have tried and what their impressions have been.
Thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by cardiackid

I use Cary WE300B SE monoblocks to power the Duos and I love them both. Clarity, lushness, dynamics etc. Everyone including the Audiopax/Avantgarde dealer has loved this combination at my house. I also have a good listening room. In fact, the Avantgarde dealer told me that Jim Simth and several others have audio set-ups similar to mine. The Cary's with WE300B with Mullard CV 378 and NOS 6sn7s are a special combination. Denis Had may help you locate a dealer who will lend you some amps to try out if you e-mail him.

FYI, I have found the silver speaker wires and interconnects are very complimentary in this set-up. I was told this by another Avantgarde owner, and he was correct in my opinion.