Avantgarde Duo set up.

Genltlemen(and gentle women), I have a question.

In the manual, Duos require a set-up whereby the midrange horn is one hole higher than the tweeter horn (in their respective hole sets). Making the gap between the horns in the vertical axis larger and keeping the mid/high horns the correct distance apart from an acoustic perspective.

The manual also explains a "bead and ????something" method where you tilt the speaker front to back to get the bottom of the midrange horn visually touching the rear of the tweeter horn to get the correct position on the vertical axis.

I simply cannot get this to happen. With the reccommended horn position I have no chance of making this happen from my seating position. I'm much to low. Even with both the horns in the same holes, ie both two holes from the bottom, I cant get this " bead and ?????" method to line up. This is probably a function of my seating position being too low and being a faily long way away.

So I suppose my question is which is the best compromise ? Having the Horns in the Manual reccommended position. Or getting close the the "bead and thing" principal and having the horns closer together in the vertical axis.

Looking at various Gallerys on the web it looks like many people have their duos set up with the horns closer toghether than reccomended in the vertical axis.

I'm told that setup is critical with Duos so I'd like to get it as right as possible.

In your vast, collective experience which would be the best way to go ??

If you read this far...... thanks very much.



Showing 1 response by hemlock27

To Myron and others who have struggled with setting up Avantgarde DUO's:

If you cannot get the horns to line up according to Avantgarde's instructions, you have an older version of the tripod support. Avantgarde changed the hole positions, did not tell anyone (TMK), and printed instructions for the new support system. In addition to the suggestions already provided, please try the following:

1. Mount the high frequency horn in the middle hole.
2. Mount the midrange horn exactly 21cm (slightly over 8") from the high frequency horn, as measured from the top of the rear housing of the high frequency horn to the bottom of the rear housing of the midrange horn. The middle hole for the midrange horn will space the units exactly as Avantgarde intended.
3. Now you can slightly tilt the entire speaker either forward or backward, as required by your listening position and as suggested by Avantgarde.
4. Should you desire to move the horns to a higher position, make sure you move them together, without changing the distance between them.
5. If you experience lack of proper bass integration, try spiking the sub cabinets. I use 2" Audio Points on the rear and 1.5" Audio Points on the front. This combination positions the speakers at the precise angle and seamlessly integrates the subs with the horns.
6. It is also perfectly safe to reverse polarity of the speaker wire bass connections, providing both speakers are wired the same (experiment).

Once properly set up, the DUO's will not disappoint. Best of luck.
