Avantgarde Duo 2.2 Amplifier Match.

Hi all,
I'm currently running my duos with an Arc VT100mk11. It sounds very nice after a bit af wailing and Gnashing of teeth at the start(I had tube problems at first). Anyway, I'd like to try the Lunatic Fringe that is SET's. Has anyone tried the Yamamoto A-08s with the Duos. I'd be very interested if anyone has. It seems to be very good value for money at around 2,200 usd. I'm probably just going to order one without hearing it. So if anyone thinks that this would be a major mistake then please let me know.

Thanks for your time and advice.

Showing 4 responses by cmo

Oh my God.......... I just posted this exact same question about two weeks ago. Have you checked the archives? Your VT100 IS NOT the way to go.

Art Audio PX25 or Audiopax would be good too........ My PX25 is sounding very tasty about now.

I demoed my AVG's with a BAT amp (VK50 SE I think (it was their new small model)). I almost didn't buy the speakers....... I asked my dealer to put his Nagra 845's on and we were off to the races ( or should I say the bank). I will probably get dogged for this, but I have heard BAT amps in my system more than once and didn't like the sound at all.

No, the Nagra (at 20k now) was out of my budget. It sounded great, but ultimately it was a bit too noisy with the AVG's. I ended up with an Art Audio PX25 and think it sounds great.......... I probably like it better than the Nagra's for 90% of my needs.
