Avalon Time vs Avalon ISIS ?

About 20K difference , which would you go for ?

Showing 6 responses by siddh

I have recently gone from the Eidelon Diamonds to the Times. With the additional woofers, the speakers  required extensive experimentation in placement to bring the bass under control.  I also use room treatments.  I have no experience with the Isis, but I believe my room, which has low ceilings, would have been overwhelmed. I had much desire to get into the Isis, but the cost plus size made it unrealistic. 
The Time have proven to be fantastic performers.  I owned the Diamonds for over 10 satisfying years, and likely could have remained with them.  That being said, the systems refinement and frequency extension  has been taken to a new level with the Times.
I have heard/read the same as bar81 offered.  Although, the Time crossover technology is close to the Isis, the Isis drivers and cabinet are reported to be a realized improvement, especially on orchestrals. I am fairly certain that my listening space would be overwhelmed by the larger woofers.  
You could consider the Sagas...according to some, the most advanced real world speaker Avalon has produced.  Big bucks, though.  Let me know if you opt for the Saga.  I would love to hear your thoughts.
Good luck. I can relate to the space issue.  It's unfortunate you can't audition the Isis to see how it fits.
Hi trcnrtmsncom,

Thanks for the congratulations.  I am very impressed with the Times. Never having heard the Isis, but having read the numerous reviews/owner feedback, I would very much want to experience  these speakers.  A fellow audio-guy and long time Avalon owner felt certain the Isis would overwhelm my limited space.  The Time required lengthy placement experimentation and room treatment to tame the lower end...dissimilar to the Diamonds, which integrated more easily.  
The mid-range, upper frequency, bottom end slam, and soundstage are degrees better than Diamonds.  I can only imagine what the advanced technology and larger drivers of the Isis bring to the reproduction. 
Hi trcnrtmsncom,

I continue to appreciate the energy the Times exude.  CAT JL-2, upgraded to Black Path is driving the speakers with greater ease than with the Diamonds.  Times disappear as well, if not better than the Eide's, with no hint of ever being overdriven. 

What amplification are serving your Isis?
Hi Hugos7,

Did you end up with an Avalon speaker?  I wish to add a comment regarding the Times lower register. I had an REL S-5 sub in tandem with the Diamonds, but avoided using with the Times.  After reading a number of threads on Paul McGowan's site I raised the sub off the ground, rested it on a solid stand and played with the volume and frequency controls. Surprisingly, the midrange added some bloom and the Times are imaging deeper and wider.  Something to consider.