Avalon speakers,redux

There seems to be many Avalon speakers for sale lately.
Is there a problem with long term listening? For dynamic
speakers they seem to me the best around but if there are long term listening problems I would like to know. I can see trading in Avatars for Opuses but the people selling
Eidolons are they buying Sentinels($90000!)??? What is the story???

Showing 1 response by siddh

A bit confused, Shubertmaniac. I see three listings for Eidelons on Audiogon, two of which are demo sales and one appears to be the liquidation of an entire system. I located none on Audioweb. Where are you finding these Eidelons? Four Audiogon listings are for Radians and three for Ascents. I believe both products are discontinued; the Ascents, for sure, with improvements from Opus and Eidelon. The few people I personally know, once enamored with the Avalon sound, have difficulty parting ways.