Avalon: Eidolon vs Opus vs Opus Ceramique

Anyone care to comment on the differences among these three models, particularly the new Opus Ceramique and how its performance compares to the other two outside of the obvious differences in bass response. Please confine your comments to the standard model Eidolon and not the Eidolon Diamond.

Showing 2 responses by flex

If you are going to make statements like the above, please state exactly what evidence you have. How do you (or Avalon Acoustics) know what is in anyone else's house? This kind of charge is frankly disturbing to me as a site member.

Kelly has the right to defend Avalon. Kelly does NOT have the right to call others liars when they say they own the speakers but don't agree with his every opinion. I thought the idea of a moderated forum was to keep this kind of crap off the internet - why is Kelly allowed to continue?