Avalon Eidolen VS Porac D80 or B&W 802D

I live in Azores, and I don't have the opportunity to hear speakears like Avalon Eidolen, Proac D80 and the B&W 802D.
I plan to buy one of these second-hand.
My auditions are on vinyl, and most of the time I hear jazz. From time to time also like to hear blues and old rock and roll.
Now I have the opportunity to buy the Avalon Eidolen (not the diamond).
Please appreciate that someone can help me to choose between this three speakers.
I hear that the Avalon only play classical music.
It's true?

Thank you.
I've been involved in audio for over 30 years and I'm familiar with the speakers you mentioned. Properly set up, there is no comparison between the three. The Eidolons are way superior in every way IMO.
It's rare you'll ever get 5-10 audiophiles on this forum to agree on ANYTHING so this is as close to a unanimous decision as I've seen here.

I agree with the others - with your great equipment the Eidolons would clearly be my choice as well. The 20' x 20' dimensions would be the main limiting factor unless you have adequately treated the room. Just my $.02

Good luck.

I have owned the Eidolon and heard the BW several times. To me there is no comparison. The Avalon has a capacity to render detail and nuance that the BW lacks. And the soundstage is incredible. However they do not have a very strong bass.
Be careful with amplification. The Krell should work well but I never heard them with a big valve amp, like the Premier 140.
I do not know the Proac.

Good luck
Not a fan of B&W, even their D series.

But I am also not a fan of ceramic driver speakers like Eidolon unless your room is not superly huge and require monster solid state to drive them. If I were to pick Eidolon, I will mate them with tube amp and in a medium size room. In a large room with solid state, Eidolon sounds very hi-fi to my ears.
I have no experience with the Avalon Eidolon, I like a lot the Avalon Eidolon Diamonds, but mainly for classic music.
Since you listen mostly to jazz, blues and some rock and roll I would advise you to consider seriously the Proac D80 - I have owned Proac 5's and they were really good with this type of music and should sound very good with either of your amps - I preferred the sound of the Proacs with tubes, but I have read that a well know studio in Portugal has Proac with Krells.