Avalon Eidolen VS Porac D80 or B&W 802D

I live in Azores, and I don't have the opportunity to hear speakears like Avalon Eidolen, Proac D80 and the B&W 802D.
I plan to buy one of these second-hand.
My auditions are on vinyl, and most of the time I hear jazz. From time to time also like to hear blues and old rock and roll.
Now I have the opportunity to buy the Avalon Eidolen (not the diamond).
Please appreciate that someone can help me to choose between this three speakers.
I hear that the Avalon only play classical music.
It's true?

Thank you.

Showing 3 responses by fmpnd

It's rare you'll ever get 5-10 audiophiles on this forum to agree on ANYTHING so this is as close to a unanimous decision as I've seen here.

I agree with the others - with your great equipment the Eidolons would clearly be my choice as well. The 20' x 20' dimensions would be the main limiting factor unless you have adequately treated the room. Just my $.02

Good luck.
Fjn04, IMHO you have a good point. The Rockports are amazing. I have the Aquilas but the Ankaas are fantastic speakers as well. I always try to repsond to the OP's question and try not to inject new suggestions unless it appears that the OP is open to same. That said, if the OP is still considering all options, I agree with you that the Rockports, IMHO, are an even better choice than the Eidolons, at least given my preferences and considering his gear. Not that the Eidolons aren't good but, like you, since I have had speakers with ceramic drivers, I prefer the drivers in the Rockport speakers as being more tonally accurate and musical.

Just my $.02

I didn't see any mention of the OP's budget or the $10k figure in the OP. However, I do agree that it's almost always best to stick to the question posed by the OP.