Avalon Eidolen VS Porac D80 or B&W 802D

I live in Azores, and I don't have the opportunity to hear speakears like Avalon Eidolen, Proac D80 and the B&W 802D.
I plan to buy one of these second-hand.
My auditions are on vinyl, and most of the time I hear jazz. From time to time also like to hear blues and old rock and roll.
Now I have the opportunity to buy the Avalon Eidolen (not the diamond).
Please appreciate that someone can help me to choose between this three speakers.
I hear that the Avalon only play classical music.
It's true?

Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by lapierre

Avalon is my choice.

Auditioned 802 with Classe gear which was good but I just prefer the Avalons with Electronic and Jazz music.
And what type of bass would that be Mr. Paulo?

electric-acoustics bass
acoustic bass
electric bass guitar

Happy Listening