AV receivers to stay away from??

I am looking for an entry level (ie. cheap $200-350 used)AV receiver that I will use for 50/50 movies/music. What of the mainstream brands (Onkyo, Harmon K., Denon, Yamaha)are decent and which should I stay away from. I would like it to sound decent in stereo mode also. Thanks, in advance for any input!! Chris

Showing 1 response by phild

Your choices are decent ones (avoid cheap Sony, Pioneer,etc...they're disposable). The Yamahas are built well, but do sound thin. My brother still usues my first Onkyo receiver (purchased in 83). HK is good too (more "bass", less air), but I would probably agree with the above...Denon may have the best sound/feauture combination (or Onkyo, but I'm not sure about the hissing problem).