Aurender N100H vs N10


I currently have an Aurender N100H connecting to a Lampizator Lite 7 DAC via USB.  I am thinking about upgrading to N10, but considering the huge price difference, is it really worth it to get the N10?  The most important thing to me would be the sound quality.  Would the sound improvement be significant enough to justify the extra money spent?  Thanks for your input. 

I just saw some online postings where people said the SR blue fuses either didn't make the N100H sound any different or the improvement is very small.  Is this right?
I had a similar experience until I moved up to better cords and cables.

My point is that improving the inputs and ancillaries will optimize the sound quality from the gear one has now as well as gear upgrades down the road. I think it is a tragedy to upgrade perfectly good components when one has not experienced everything they are capable of and then also not experience what the upgraded gear is capable of either due to underestimating the benefit of investing in great power, cabling, isolation, etc. that allows any component to give its best. :)


Someone asked Aurender about the USB difference between N10 and N100h  and Auralic's response is that the USB interface in N10 and N100h are exactly same,although N10 has better parts and power supply, which may still make some sound difference in USB output.
  Also the  OCXO crystal clock in N10 only works on coaxial output and has no impact on usb output.