Aurender N10 connection with the network

I just purchased the Aurender N10 used off of Audiogon this past week.

Quick start guide tells me that the unit will connect to the network with a Cat 5 cable.  Download the phone app on my Samsung phone.  Sounds simple.


3 days later after all kind of changes for the life of me I cannot get this think connected to my network.. WTF.   Yes I restarted all my modems and routers a few times.  Nothing.

Any suggestions other than getting my money back if the guy will do that?


Showing 3 responses by bill_peloquin

Well once I posted here. I turned the unit off and on about 3x. Something happened. My network told me that a new device was found.  Yah!

Now the HDD's are doing a restore.  At least that is something better than a screen that tells me the name and model.

It looks like it will take some time to complete.  Wish me luck. 

I have it playing now.  Things a re working.

I guess the reboot of my network did it. 

It sounds like a nice upgrade from the Mac Mini I was using.

The next step for me is to get my music from the SS hard drive I store my music on into the unit.

Is is as simple as connecting the SS drive to the back of the unit and let it find it?