Aurender integrated streamer/DACs

Does anyone have experience with any of the mid-to-upper-level Aurender units that feature integrated DACs and how do they compare with comparably-priced outboard DACs?  Understanding DAC voicing can be a matter of preference, I am also considering a dedicated Roon Core built of JCAT components feeding either a Weiss 502 or the new PS Audio DSD when that becomes available.

Bonus question: looking at this another way (assuming the DACs referenced above are superior to a built-in Aurender DAC), how would a nicely spec'd Roon Core compare with an Aurender Server/Streamer?

Please answer only on in terms of sound quality only.  I believe the UI will work fine for me, whether it is Conductor or Roon.  Thanks very much!


Showing 5 responses by gsomin

I just bought Aurender A200 as an upgrade from BlueSound Node. My initial impression of Aurender that it sounds a bit more dull in comparison. It lacks the high end presence of BlueSound. 

The rest of the system is exactly the same for both sources: Luxman 507z and SonusFaber Olympica III. 

Is there something that I should tweak in Aurender or do you think I have been jaded by higher presence sound of BlueSound?

Thank you all!



Yes, it is brand spanking new A200. The rest of the system is Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers and Luxman 507z (will send a photo later). Note, that I did side-by-side with BlueSound on the same setup. 

Aurender does sound warmer with more bass, but cymbals and background piano is blended in, very understated. In contrast, I could hear all instruments on BlueSound. I do use a cheaper RCA cable for BlueSound (and LINN interconnects for the Aurender), so I can play with that, but I doubt it would have such a drastic difference. 

Aurender support is looking into it, I will report back when I hear back from them. 

I am using Linn standard interconnects

The comment about the DAC is concerning. Are you saying that Aurender's DAC is not good enough, and I should have bought a digital only streamer? 

Hello people. Thank you for all your help so far. 

Aurender people looked into it and found out that my software did not detect Tidal Master quality, only HiFi. Once they updated the software and I could download the highest quality, the life came back into the system. Sound stage expanded and high end came up. 

I do not know if I love it quite yet, but I definitely see an improvement vs BlueSound. Much less fatiguing, warmer sound, especially in the mid. I am going to play it on repeat for a week and hopefully this will make it sound even better. 

As far as the separates are concerned, it seems that the price for N200 and A200 is very similar, in which case I can do this at any future point.