Aural Sym IoGel with EMM Labs/Meitner cables

I have a DCC2/CDSD on the way and was wondering if anyone has tried different fiber optic cables, such the Aural Symphonics Optimism, or used the IoGel treatment on the standard EMM/Meitner issued fiber optic cables?

Optimism Fiber Optic Cable

Or....don't mess with perfection and leave well enough alone.

Showing 1 response by fbhifi

I, too, have the CDSD and am awaiting the DCC2. I had a
Wadia 270 & 27i a while back and found the Aural Symphonics Optimism to better the supplied Wadia cable by a significant margin. The Audioquest Pro 1 cable was not as good as the Optimism, but noticably better than the stock Wadia. The Iso Gel did improve the Optimism's overall performance by 10%-20%. The Optimism is a smooth, rich, yet detailed cable and the Iso Gel took those characteristics to a slightly higher level. I look forward to the feedback on how the Aural Symphonics, or other high-line ATT optical cables interface with the Meitner gear.