Audirvana vs. Roon, time for a new assessment?

I started my digital upgrade journey with Audirvana several years ago when it was an item you purchased once and could use "forever". Then they went subscription only and I moved on to Roon, persuaded by good comments and reviews from users and the press. I am an annual subscriber to Roon and value it highly for it's hardware integration powers and rich metadata presentation. However I see in a recent email that Audirvana is now available in two flavors, one time purchase or monthly subscription with the one time purchase version limited to curating an off-line library of music.

My question to any recent users of Audirvana who also use Roon is how does it compare? I note it's subscription price is now half of Roon's. One of it's forte's has always been management of the host computer's operations to optimize sound and playback. I use a M1 Mac mini as my host for Roon and so there might be some possibility of sonic gains for folks in my situation.  Anyone out there have some experiance to share?

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