Audirvana problem


Lately, I've been having problems with Audirvana. I've written to the company support desk a couple of times and searched their blog: no reply from support and nothing on the blog.

I’ve entirely deleted Audirvana (using the Mac “AppCleaner” software to purge all files). I re-downloaded the 3.3.50 version of the software from the web site. I re-entered my license key (accepted), re-connected to Tidal (successful) and I continue to receive the file loading error message, “Unable to open audio file for playback.” That happens even with files downloaded to my computer. Of course, I've rebooted the computer, disconnected the VPN and I'm out of ideas.


Any suggestions on how to deal with this problem will be much appreciated.





Showing 4 responses by kacomess

Problem solved. Corrupted preferences files which I've deleted and replaced thanks to advice just received from Audirvana customer support. 


If this happens to any other "Audirvana Legacy Users", here are the terminal codes to correct the problem: 

defaults delete com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus

defaults delete com.audirvana.Audirvana


After that's done, you'll need to re-enter the license code.



I searched the Audirvana Forum/Blog for the answer and, as I didn't see a similar problem there, I wrote to Support. This is the first issue I've had with their "legacy" software but, if I have another, I'll follow your advice and post a question on the Forum first. Anyway, I'm sure the company's support site is inundated with questions so I was happy to get a response...and it seems to have worked.




After I executed the terminal script Audirvana sent, the software ran for a time and then I started once again receiving the "file playback" error. I deleted the entire software package, reinstalled it, re-ran the script luck.

I wrote to Audirvana a couple of weeks ago and after several days elapsed, I received a request from the company for the software log files and a IP address check which I provided. No reply so far.

I think Audirvana is tepid about continued support of the non-subscription version (i.e., the package you paid a "one time fee" to purchase) and is tacitly communicating that. I may try to build a Raspberry Pi with Moode or Volumio instead.

Anyway, I’m both stuck and disappointed...but, that’s the way it goes. If I get a helpful response, I’ll post it here.


Just today, after several weeks time lapse, I received this clarifying response from Audirvana:




We are aware of an issue with Tidal in the Audirvāna 3.5 version and we are actively trying to find what is going on with Tidal directly. We are in contact of their project coordinator and they will come back to us as soon as possible on this subject as this issue seems to happen to some of our users but not all of our users.


This is why we suspected in the first place that it would may be an issue related to public IP that have been banned or something like this on Tidal side. For the moment this supposition has not been confirmed by them but we are waiting for Tidal to give you an explanation about what is going on.


We know this has been around for a long time but we are dedicated to tackle this with Tidal and we will reach you back as soon as they have something to share on the state of this issue.