Audirvana Plays DSD without DSD compatible DAC

I've just been investigating some of the DSD features of Audirvana.

The one nice feature it has - if you don't own a DSD ready DAC, you can use Aurdivana to...

1. Play the DSD file and convert as it is being played
- in this case you use Audirvana without iTunes

2. import the file into the iTunes Library using Audirvana
- you can then play it using iTunes + Audirvana
- but Audirvana creates a "proxy file"
- which allows it to locate the actual DSD file
- it then converts on the fly while playing (as above)

3. It will also play the DSD track (unaltered) if you have a DSD compatible DAC - of course :-)

You can also set a conversion upper limit e.g. 24/96 if that is the max resolution your DAC can process and all files will be converted up to that limit

A really nice feature :-)

So, go out and buy some DSD tracks.

I'm sure other software offers the same features


Showing 1 response by arh

Why pay the extra money for DSD files if you are going to down convert them to PCM. You lose any benefits of the DSD encoding unless you are thinking that in the future you will get a DSD dac. I do the opposite. I buy the cheapest PCM recording and then let Jriver convert on the fly to DSD and decode with several DSD dacs I have. Personally I prefer redbook on my Audio Note gear