Audirvana 2.x Upgrade Benefits

I've been putting off upgrading to version 2, mainly because I was not having any issues with version 1.

That was until I installed the latest Apple OS and iTunes updates.

This cause several playback issues and so I contacted Damien at Audirvana, who told me all the issues I was experiencing were fixed in the latest version 2 release.

I upgraded thinking that all that would be achieved is fixing my playback issues - boy was I wrong.

Seems Damien is something of a wizard - I experienced...
- more fine detail clarity
- bigger, fuller image
- more focused artist placement within image
- a fuller warmer sound
- dare I say - more "analogue like" :-)

I have read comments on Agon that people did not experience any audible benefits, but this was not so in my case.

It is well worth the $39 price tag

System Related Items:
- iMac + iTunes + Aurvana
- v-link192 into a Bifrost 4490 via SPDIF

But let me just add - all of the improvements I noticed pertain to the extremely fine details that recreate venue acoustics and reverberations, as opposed to better bass, faster dynamics etc

Perhaps they are not immediately discernable, but will become more apparent over time.

One album that sounded far better was Money For Nothing by Dire straits. The guitar work has never sounded this good :-) 

Back to the music...


Showing 1 response by kijanki

AFAIK  VLINK192 is asynchronous USB to S/PDIF converter.  Since S/PDIF clock is completely separated from the computer timing, then the only way that playback program can affect the sound is by processing (upsampling etc.), unless there was some software bug, that new release eliminated.  Whatever it is - it is worth much more than $39.