I've had an Amp3 in one of my systems for about 3 years. I purchased it as a display model and added a modestly priced extended 4 year warranty as a precaution. The complete package was under $250 (A GOOD BIT UNDER RETAIL). The Amp3, while nothing like "audiophile jewelery" in appearance or construction, has been utterly reliable with no objectionable sonic characteristics. I feed a CD plyer directly into it with very satisfying results. The Audiosource amplifiers well demonstrate that good power and sound can be had at a reasonable cost. That is, if you aren't concerned about impressing your high-priced owning friends (if they don't see the Amp3 they should be pleased with what they hear, assuming that they CAN "hear"). I should add that I also own some considerably more expensive amplification. Yet, I am very satisfied with my purchase of the Amp3. As a caveat, I would recommend against the Audiosource pre-amp on sonic grounds.