audioquest vs acoustic zen/kimber digital cable

could you please give me your opinion as to whether an upgrade from an audioquest digital two to either of the AZ mc2 or the kimber d 60 would be appreciable? (The audioquest cable is also known as video two)System includes arcam alpha 8 cd transport connected to proceed avp with marantz ma 500s and mirage OM 6 speakers.....want to upgrade the amps but not enough cash at the moment....would this digital cable make any difference in your opinions..thanks

Showing 2 responses by ears

AQ d2 is what i had before a 500.00 Wireworld digital which was an improvement.
I then tried an AZ mc=2 and could not believe how much difference a digital cable could make.
Soundstaging and a detailed yet sweet sound are the mc-2 signature.

Get the AZ, even at list it is a bargain imho
Dtebbutt,I have very revealing speakers and two modified dvd/sacd players.
When they were stock players, I could hear a big improvement whith the AZ digital on my Sony 9000es....even whith dd/dts sonics but my Phillips 963sa revealed hardly any difference in digital cables.
I would say that it is the difference in transports in combination whith my very revealing speakers that make the difference in what you hear in different digital ic's.

The bright side is you can get your money back for the mc2.