Audioquest Storm Series power cables

I have been reading about Audioquest storm series here at Agon since they were released unfortunately they are so expensive and never bother to take them seriously. I like their mid price ic and speakers cables especially their old model.This past weekend Music Direct has warehouse sales demo and returns, I spoke to the rep ask for a good deal for three pc 2 hurricane High current 1 meter , one 2 m tornado high current pc.Bless to have a good deal. Hurricane went to my Plinius amp, one hurricane pc  connected to my Ruby sacd player, tornado pc connected to my power conditioner, Indeed the musical impact did to both system is amazing , I will try to update after 50 hrs. 


Showing 5 responses by facten

@westcoastaudiophile - Sorry, but in another thread you asked for someone to provide blind testing results between a stock cord and a $1000 cord. This would suggest that you have never tried any quality aftermarket power cord to know whether or not it will actually have an impact on SQ; therefore your declarations that they don’t aren’t based upon actual experience employing one in your system. Checking if a cable is functionally working isn't the same as  determining if one provides more SQ benefit than another. What is the composition of equipment in your system?  May it be that it isn’t revealing enough for quality power cord  to make a difference in it?

Making statements that ungraded power cables don't matter when you actually haven't tried them isn't really providing anyone valuable insights



@westcoastaudiophile - Do your own homework; I've done mine and made the change.  Fell free to give it try and post your objective experience. If not just stop with your know it all pronouncements , your supposed background isn’t impressing anyone . Credibility to statements comes with actual experience trying things . Do you have a system;? You’ve ignored the question regarding what equipment you have now in 2 threads.

No disagreement with your statement music_is_life - I’ve had a $200 power cord that made a noticeable difference; and have gotten more benefits going beyond that . Too each his own on drawing the line on amount spent. My issue is with folks who just deny any possibility of improvement without having actually employed beyond stock cords

@westcoastaudiophile "thanks for your fb on my credibility, sorry for not impressing you much (yet)!"

LOL - still not and frankly won’t be. Be happy in your measurement world doing whatever it is that you do. I’ll enjoy listening to music in my system without any need for your 40 years of doing this and that. I’m done with responding to you.Audiogon really needs an ignore function