Audioquest Sky XLR

Can anyone shed some light on how these will change with break-in.Will it be subtle or trans-formative? In between? Transparency? Dynamics? Tonal balance?
Joncourage, if I'm interpreting correctly..........most people seem to be finding that the main diff. between AQ Sky and HD seems to be in the area of sound-staging/imaging. You agree or is there a different thumbnail sketch you would draw?
Mred, I would say the greatest change to expect with silver AQ cables will be the shift in tonal balance to slightly warmer than initially. What I mean is notes sound more distinct, a bass guitar sounds more believable, pianos come to life, and voices are organic.
My expirience with silver IC (Kimber KCAG) is that need min. 200 hours of burning in, and final results becomes after 500 hours!!!

Now that a little time has passed is there something furthur you can offer as too how the Sky and HiDiamond interconnects compare?