
Responses from jerga

Audioquest Sky XLR
My expirience with silver IC (Kimber KCAG) is that need min. 200 hours of burning in, and final results becomes after 500 hours!!! 
Audioquest Emerald generation 1
Zolar, i have AQ Diamond in arrival, and depend of results in my system, is possible that one 0,5 m pair emeralds become free...javi se ako te zanima, ni sam još nisam siguran da li da ga se riješim. Prejak je to kabel 
Audioquest Emerald generation 1
AQ Emerald Hypelitz (first and second generations) is very very good IC, third generation (x3) little worse. First generation is so good becouse its sofisticated construction, similar to Diamond only emerald had 2x6 thinner copper wires, diamond 2... 
Audioquest Emerald generation 1
Audioquest emerald first generation is same constuction as first (copper) lapis. Its hard to distinguish of another (2.) version emerald and the name is only Emerald Hyperlitz. On outher sides of cables is no difference, only method to see what ve...