AudioQuest Pegasus vs Thunderbird Interconnects

Hello all,

Has anyone had the chance to listen? I know Pegasus is brand new, but Thunderbird has been around. I am questioning whether the cost/performance is worth it to upgrade to Thunderbird. Not many reviews out there.


Showing 2 responses by jg7884

I have to say I have stalked this thread for months trying to discern who “might be lying” or “who has an agenda” with either their skepticism of cables or belief in them.

until this week the most expensive XLR cables I owned were $49 mogami. And I finally decided to go all the way into the deep end and order Pegasus XLR cables to replace them. Here is my system and I’ll provide my thoughts on the cables next.

speakers: Bowers & Wilkins 805 D4 Signature

amp: Parasound JC5

preamp: Priimaluna evo 400

DAC: Laiv Harmony

Streamer: Eversolo DMP-A8

Power conditioner: Puritan PSM156


When I swapped in the Pegasus I was nervous. Skeptical. Already telling myself how much of a fool I was for spending this money on snake oil. So I turned on my stereo and after 3-4 songs I thought “oh my God I am such an idiot. This was a total waste. You’re such a moron. What did I do”

Fast forward 2 hours: I start hearing anomalies in some of my favorite songs of all time. I think something’s wrong my internet or streamer. I listen again, and it’s instruments I’ve never heard with the exception of when I’ve seen these very songs performed live in person. It’s cool but it’s no quantum leap to justify the price.

Fast forward to hour 3: “Jesus Christ what are these cables made out of?! There is such a soft, delicate touch to every single musical note. The base is full. The mids are thick and palpable. There’s pulp to the music. But not artificial bloat, this is silky smooth, perfect texture. The highs are seemingly opening up as the hours go by to become more and more airy.


i know break in is supposed to be 100-300 hours but i am absolutely blown away by the level of improvement these have made. I was completely despondent at first. Totally bummed and oh my God am I happy I kept listening.

I can’t even imagine what the other levels above sound like on a good system.


i don’t know if I ever made a “review or comment” like this before but I guess I just want to say to the naysayers and the cable deniers that life is freaking short man. Unplug the stupid ass measuring gear and buy a serious level cable if you have a revealing system and just listen with your own ears. Don’t worry about the guys over at audio science research making fun of you. Just open up your f’n mind and listen for yourself because it is absolutely undeniable how much more of my stereo system is getting through to my speakers right now. It’s amazing.


Oh and to all the deniers I still have $200 world’s best cable 9 gauge speaker cables and these Pegasus XLR are just an absolute revelation.

I hope this convinces just one skeptic who has the budget to really try a great cable to just say f*** it and try it for themselves and see what they’ve been missing and how much more music is awaiting them with great cables to tie it all together. 

I think I am most compelled to write this because I almost didn’t buy these because of the huge amount of ignorant people absolutely certain that cables don’t make a difference. And you are 100% wrong and you should cut the shit and stop dissuading people from coming to their own conclusions. 

Thank you for your insight.


Knowing what I currently have are there any AQ power cables (or other brands) you’d recommend me looking into? I hadn’t thought much about cables and always appreciate any insight from people who have a working knowledge of the different products.


appreciate any feedback you’re willing to give.