Audioquest or Transparent?

Here is my curent system: YBA 1 preamp, YBA 2HCDT amp with JMlab MINI utopia speaker. And I have the choice of Audioquest above the caldera and Transparent above the ultra for speaker cable. I want to have the most musical cable and to be able to hear all the micro details. And the cable that suits the most my system. And don't tell me about other cable brand as I only want one of those two brand.

Showing 1 response by chrisr

Audioquest or transparent, that's a tough one.  Both are very cheap to some, and very expensive to others.  
Transparent cables:  the name alone does not fit the products.  Their cables are unarguably NOT transparent.  That alone tells you by how much they do not tell the truth entirely.
Audioquest Cables on the other hand may not be the most believable, but at least they are very gentle, because their philosophy is all about "causing less harm".  That counts for something.
just a thought.