Audioquest is bright??

I've got some Audioquest Granite on demo and thought being pure copper it would not be bright - that's why I got it. It does sound clearer and I thought brighter because it is clearer.
What would you recommend that is less bright? Canare Star quad? Running M-F A3.2cr to B&W Nautilus 804.
Thanks. Hi Bob, it is the power amp. I was surprised reading a post here recently where someone said AudioQuest was bright. Hence my post here. Being solid copper with no silver plating and insulated strands, I would think Granite is as un-bright as one could get other than maybe Cardas.
So I will break in some more.
Not sure about the new AQ cables, but the older ones used all solid core conductors that took a longer time to break in.
Hi I am using A.Q. granite double runs biwire with Proceed amp. 250 watts per . and Macintoh 134 as myA/V control center. after about a week the granite was warm in the bass and mid , highs crisp but not harsh . thanks Bill Head