Audioquest CV-4 vs. Slate

Any opinions on these two cables? I am trying deciding between these two. I have a REGA Mira / Planet 2000 and Paradigm Reference Studio 40s.
I just had a talk with someone about this,type 6 is supposed to be very good cable. Try,they have everything there.
Tim Flemke
After using 7 foot runs of CV4 for 1 yr, a hole appeared in my pocket and I upgraded to Slate 7 foot runs. Before installing, I listened to the CV4 one last time and then installed the Slate. Listening to the same material I immediatly noticed a tighter, more detailed and less unmuffled sound. Call me crazy, but, I've been quite happy with this upgrade. The CV4 was my first speaker cable other then 12 gauge radio shack special. I'd really like to try another speaker cable upgrade but have no idea who or what to trust in advertising. No way am I going to spend $500 and up on speaker cables. But, spending 75 to 100 seems far, if they really deliver. I think the Slates delivered for me.