Audioquest 7000

I have a 7000 that will only pick up one channel. The cartridge is supposed to have low hours. What would cause this type of problem? I have very little vinyl experience. Currently using a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood. The Audioquest came with my turntable, and I would like to get it working properly if economically feasible
Dear Chopper: Do you already try everything I told you? or only the cartridge wire conections? and pleasde let me know which preamp do you have and if it had a MC stage.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for the response. I have tried inverting the cartridge tonearm connection, and still only one channel. What would cause this type of problem as far as the cartridge is concerned, and where can I find some reputable repair facilities? I sent Lyra(formerly Scantech) an e-mail regarding my problem. Thanks again.
Dear Chopper: For to check everything you can do two things: first try your 7000 and invert the cable conection between the cartridge and tonearm ( left side in right side and right side in left side position ), if you have sound from that channel ( that in the normal wire position you have not ) then the problem is not the cartridge. Second, try the Clearaudio like a MC cartridge ( with very low volume position ): MC position switch or through the stepup transformer and " see " what happen.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Chopper: The 7000 is a very nice sounding cartridge. Due that you are using the Virtuoso Wood on the TT/tonearm where the Audioquest comes to you and with out any problem then the problem is not at the tonearm conections.
Now, the Clearaudio is a MM cartridge and the 7000 is an MC cartridge: for you can have a decent sound reproduction on your 7000 your preamp has to have a MC position switch or you have to use and external step-up transformer for obtain the required gain. I don't know what you are using about, but maybe the problem was there and not in the cartridge it self. You have to check it and if your electronics are in good shape then the problem is in the 7000 and you have to repair it.

Regards and enjoy the music.