Audioqest Wild Wood or Tara Lab Omega Gold?

That is the question.
Hou do you define the difference betwween these two ""wonderful Cables"?
Using 825 from JRDG, Aeris, Criterion and Revel U2 Salon2
or Magico Mini 2 and Playback Design from Andreas Koch
What is the best choice? We are speaking serious money and even more serious sound. Opinions and experiences are welcome.
Many thanks for clarifying.

Showing 6 responses by lafolia

Thanks. Of course not. In normal circonstances it would not be wise.
I am not in the "geographic" position to compare or to do a demo.
I am wondering if any of us had some personal experience to share regarding these two specific cables.
The perpetual dispute. Copper. Silver. Tension for sure.
I thanks you for all your point of view. I am still in the dark.
I guess it is hard to explain our choices or priorities.
Unless, as most are saying, you can have both sets in the same room fed by the same source. Which make the comparaison valid but expensive.
Are the top of the line from Mike Morrow in the same league?
They do use a fair amount of silver and cooper and are supported by a large group of listers on the site. Price is surely not the same.
Any opinion based on experience?
Thanks to you all.
I would like to organize a souper with Audiolabyrinth and BO1972. Filmed of course.
Rzado, Thanks for your interest. I am sur the Well is somewhere up.. The price as well. I do work with a large limited budget. These 2 cables would be in the range. And I have read a lot about them. Very few listeners have been in the position to really describe the Well or the new high end from Tara. With these new models arriving on the market come the possibility to get good old cables at the right price on the site.
One day I will get there. Thanks
Thanks to all.
Bo. Are still using the redwood? or did you upgrade to the new Wel
How can you describe the step up?
Not so much in term of quantity but more In term of musicality.
Audiolabyrinth. I do have the same question for you. What is it that you like in this brand more than others. What was the trigger for you.
I have to tell you really sound like if you own some of the Cie.
Very specific and very enthusiastic listener. I need more input in musical terms.
And after many years of search I am still not sure ability the philosophy behind the difference in sound.
A violin should sound like a violin. Horn should fell like blown air.
I still have 4 shunyata cobra cx version. Hard to think about switching.
Very nice and friendly answer.
All of you seems to be happy with your toys.
Lucky we are. Glad we can be.
I am aiming for the AQ Wild.
Looking for one.
Then I let you know.
The system, is 825, Criterion. Aeris from Jeff Rowland.Playback design and a pair Revel Ult.2 Salon2 or a sharp pair of Magico .The mini2.
And in the background a pair of Artemis eos1.
I will soon be looking for a sub.
Cables Purist 20th ann. Nordost. And I stil have some Zen Hologram from a while ago.
The main thing is the library. More than 12000 Cds. Same with Lps
It has been an interesting journey. Full of music.Daily.
About 6 times a year i do organize live concerts.
Even better or frustrating when I go back the the system.
Thanks to all.
Thanks to all. I finally signed up for the Wildwood and two Wel IC.
Should sound good in few days..