I have been in touch with a fellow audiophile who also uses the audioplan power cords which he bought while in Germany. He was kind enough to pass me their info:
Web address: www.hificoncept.de
email: hifiheisig@aol.com ( addressed to Thomas Huffer )
Another area is in Hong Kong, the dealers name is Soundray and email is: soundray@ms19.hinet.net ( addressed to Mr. Lee Ming Chang ).
Hope this helps!
I have been in touch with a fellow audiophile who also uses the audioplan power cords which he bought while in Germany. He was kind enough to pass me their info:
Web address: www.hificoncept.de
email: hifiheisig@aol.com ( addressed to Thomas Huffer )
Another area is in Hong Kong, the dealers name is Soundray and email is: soundray@ms19.hinet.net ( addressed to Mr. Lee Ming Chang ).
Hope this helps!