Audiopile hyperbole, reference, SOTA, ultimate and more...

This is not to be a put-down, just wanting to hear from my fellow Audiopiles on some 
of the hyperbole/over used non-tech terms used in advertising items on this site.  It 
would seem that many of us in this wonderful hobby have taken "creative writing" 

And there is always the condition  Mint, Like-New, ___ hours or less, 

This is to be fun, if you are offended...well then that is part of the fun. 


Showing 15 responses by whatjd

I agree with the "smoke free" thought.  I purchased an item that had the strongest cigarette smoke smell that I had no luck in getting out.  Sold it at a loss and posted the info about it having a strong smoke smell as I wanted a/the Buyer to know what they were getting. 

.........and, the speakers "play much larger/bigger than they are"  

And the ever present, or perhaps not present..."transparent"  
Perhaps, for the rock trivia fans: 

"only used by a little old lady to listen to Beach Boy albums after driving her super stock Doge back from a Sunday service in Pasadena"

This is ebay rather than AudiogoN, but most used cars on ebay are now from a  "time capsule"  
...and of course all equiptment being sold has had "rave" reviews.  ...and the sound is for sure "holographic",  like totally. 

to quote a recent ad

 like you’re sat in the recording booth with the musicians.

..variation on a theme(from a listing).  A speaker that "sounds bigger than it is"....

Golly damn,  do they make speakers that an ad could say, "sounds smaller than it is"....?